Monday, August 22, 2016


I've been trying hard to stay aloof lately. I don't want to feel. I don't want to feel. I don't want to feel.

I'm trying to push you away from my thoughts. It's progress to not think about you more than 2 times a day. But some days, it gets hard to do that. Especially the days where I'm not fully occupied or present. Especially the days where I feel lonely. How do I stop myself from thinking about you? Do I just simply stop talking about it? Stop feeling? I don't know. This break that we've taken from each other has really been good though. Because I know that the less I see you, the easier it will be for me to move on. I know I can't keep filling this emptiness with other people. This can't possibly be good for me. But what do I do? Why am I so weak?

Someone help me. I don't want to feel anymore.