Thursday, October 16, 2014

Selfishness and Selflessness

Whenever I'm feeling down (like real, real down), I reread Tuesdays with Morrie. It's downright my favorite book in the universe and truly the only book that puts me in the right perspective of life. Each time I read the book, I learn something new and feel something different. I make sure that I squeeze every ounce of teaching out of Morrie and remind myself that it's ok to feel the way I do but that everything will pass - and when it does pass, love will conquer all. I make mental note of the reason why I feel the way I do and hope to sleep it off so that I can wake up refreshed and a better person.

Last night, I reread the only book in the last 8 years of my life that I don't get sick of reading and constantly go back to. And don't get me wrong, it made me feel much better than I had originally did. But at the same time, I didn't get that same comfort I usually do from the book. I still cried when Morrie said that "love goes on" and when he took his last breath and passed away peacefully. But at the same time, I woke up this morning feeling the same. I'm scared that I've passed this point where the only book that has cheered me up for as long as I could possibly remember did not cheer me up this time.

I didn't realize until this year, how much it kills me to hurt somebody else. Somehow, I always feel like it's a little bit more okay to let myself be hurt from words or actions or inactions than for me to hurt someone else. People constantly tell me to love myself. They tell me that I should put myself ahead of everybody else in the world because I don't owe a single thing in the world to anybody else but myself. But for some reason, that's never stuck with me. I find myself thinking "how selfish that I can go on living a happy life while someone else is suffering because of me?" It's always just been like that and as sad and unfortunate as this is, I feel like it's always the way it's gonna be.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Life has been treating me unexpectedly well lately. I've finally gotten rid of some unnecessary baggage that I've had earlier this week and put down some of the feelings from the last month or so. I can honestly say that I'm doing much better. It's funny because I find it rare that I ever want to blog when I'm in any other mood but crappy. But anyways, I've decided that maybe it's time to make some changes starting with blogs. Maybe if I started blogging more when I was feeling happy, it'll make me feel happier in the long run.