Saturday, February 28, 2015

moving out

it's so tiring - packing up all your belongings and trekking back to another city.
a new city.
i'm exhausted
but this time, exhaustion isn't an excuse for giving up
there's no way to half ass this process
i just need to push through
i'm almost done..

Saturday, February 21, 2015


To D;
You broke me for the better. I am stronger, wiser, and less prone to bullshit. I look back now and I can genuine say that I'm better off now than I was ever before. I should've taken a hint. Hell, I should've taken 100 hints. You can fool a girl the first hundred times before she gets tired of your bullshit. And thank god I did.

To C;
I said I wasn't going to write your name again. Ever. You deceiving, lying son of a b. But then again, I ain't mad. I just can't believe how stupid I was. The tears I could've retained and the emotions I could've skipped out on.

To J;
LOL I couldn't have been stupider - that's it.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


  • be less bratty; be more chill
  • it's ok if you don't get your way and life goes on
  • stop doubting yourself - what happened to the optimistic me?
  • relationships are hard but then again, so is life
  • if you can motivate and convince others, you can to yourself
  • beauty comes from within
  • fuck what others think or say - they can't control you
  • love is all about sacrifice
  • be thankful for what u already have: family, friends, and an amazing bf

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

catch 22

you could bottle everything up, never spill to a single soul, and hurt yourself.
or you could let it all out, hurt him, then hurt yourself in the process.

relationships are hard.
love is nothing but work.