Sunday, August 24, 2014

Long distance

Here's the thing I've learned about relationships. I am never ever ever ever in my entire life going to engage in a long distance one again. The facts that broke my relationship were: 1) long distance, 2) we didn't get to really know each other because physical meetings always got, well, physical, and 3) distance is a bitch. That's the thing. When you don't spend enough time with a person in person, you just don't get to know them well enough. You can't see with your own eyes and judge with your own rationale the person that he or she is. The person you believe you're dating is just a mere concoction of what you've seen in pictures (maybe a few times prior in real life) and a whole lot of what you've made up in your mind. I've tried it before, and it failed. There is no way in hell I'm going to try again. No force in this universe will make me engage in another long distance relationship again in my life. Back to dating in New York. Just kidding, back to the single life forever.