Tuesday, July 29, 2014


"Maybe antisocial people just are sick of dealing with your bullshit."

That might explain a little bit of why I've been so detached from the world lately. Maybe that can give insight into why I just want to go home everyday and curl in bed and wander into my own world. I'm tired of listening to things I don't care about and making small talk with people I don't have anything to say to. I sincerely cannot wait to go back home to California. Granted I will probably get bored of it by the second week, but I just need some time to detach and live a hermit life. I need to surround myself with different people. I sometimes wish I could just move away and start a life anew in a different place and create a different image of myself. But who knows, maybe I'm just tired from work, waking up early, and life.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Walk away

"'It's what we have. Love.'

My eyes start to burn and itch and sting. I swallow hard and take a deep breath to keep the tears at bay. Pretty words. Lovely to hear, comforting to feel. Coming from the person I've loved and hated and loved again all these years. how beautiful it would be to just fall back into your arms and continue what we have like nothing's horribly wrong in our relationship.

'I can't do this anymore,' I whisper. Tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. 'The damage is already beyond repair. We have to end this to save ourselves.'

I take a deep, shaky breath and blink back tears. Without another word, without waiting for you to say anything, without looking into your eyes, I gather my things and go out into the night. I walk and walk until I reach the end of the street. I have to keep walking as far away from you as possible.

I breathe in the night's air. It felt a lot warmer in my chest. For the first time in a long time, I feel free."

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Leo Rising
Everything you do is done with pride, creativity, and a sense of your own uniqueness. The desires to be a shining star and to stand out as an individual color all of your interactions with the world. At best, this motivates you to excel to achieve at the highest level possible for you and to be a bighearted, generous, magnanimous, and honorable person. Others' successes and talents inspire you. You applaud and appreciate individuality, creativity, and the spirit and joy of life wherever you see it being expressed.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


"Someone once told you that love is as much about timing as it is about who you fall in love with. But you hate timing. You've never had enough time. You run out of time with everything you love. But maybe that's just part of life. You wonder if it would be stupid or symbolic to throw away every clock you own. You decide probably just stupid.

You look at his name in your phone and try not to see his perfect face alongside it. You hover above the delete button and wonder if it would make things easier. Would you delete him from your life with one click?

You don't. You can't. Instead, you re-read text message threads and think about sending him a message. 

After holding your heart in your throat for about 20 minutes, your fingers break the silence for you. You've never really noticed how large the gaps in between them feel before. He's closed those gaps once before with his fingers, You can't remember what it felt like now."

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, I get that. But just because you don't give two shits about somebody else's opinion doesn't mean you can't listen to it. It wouldn't kill you to spend the 20 extra seconds to hear somebody out. That type of appreciation goes a long way man. Same goes for people who only wanna hear the compliments. Taking the criticisms and learning to deal is how you grow. Some people just really gotta learn how to take it like a man. Take it objectively, I'm just trying to tell you the honest damn-ass truth.